We’re pleased to announce the CBL training schedule for the new season, starting the week commencing 5th September.
Following successful launch of additional hubs in East Grinstead, Horsham & Haywards Heath in the Spring of 2022, we’re looking at expanding in some of these areas, whilst also offering more in Crawley.
These sessions are open for all and you are welcome to attend whichever session suits your location, day or time preference, so long as it is the same age group. You are also welcome to attend multiple sessions if you so wish. No experience necessary, and we’re always looking for new players, so bring your friends.

The new schedule & online booking can be found here:
The session can be attended on a pay as you go basis wish cash on the day, or they can be booked online for the entire term or year. NOTE: There is no longer an option to pay for individual session online due to the admin this creates.
We will do our best to pre-populate register based on last years session attendance, but if you are planning on attending a new session then please let us know at webiste.sbfoundation@gmail.com.
NOTE: Conference and U12 National League players need not sign up via the link above, as this will be included in your season fees.
NEW PLAYERS: Those who are completely new to the club then please fill in the following: Click here. Once complete, please email webiste.sbfoundation@gmail.com to let us know there is a new entry. The first session is free for new players, it is then pay as you go or pay for the full term from there on. Once the form is complete then you’re welcome to attend your desired session.

CBL & BotB
The Crawley Basketball League (CBL – Yrs 7-13) and The Battle of the Borough (BotB – Yrs 2-6) will be kicking off from October. A separate sign up link will be made available for these.
This is the first step on our player pathway and are our fortnightly intramural leagues that allow players maximum opportunity to develop in game scenarios. Again these are open for all. You need only attend one of our community sessions or school session and then express interest to play.
Signing up for these leagues includes the ordering of kit (I know plenty have asked how to get a kit!) and will ensure regular games to put the training sessions to work. Further information about both can be found here: CBL or BotB.
We’re hoping to have enough interest to bring back the separate Yr 2-4 BotB league and also create a girls only BotB, so get recruiting!
Thats all for now, if you have any questions then please dont hesitate to ask.
Looking forward to working with you for the upcoming season.